Kerry and I have been skiing and snowboarding for the last two seasons, but we always feel that a week is never enough. We love nothing better than that feeling at the beginning of the week when you grab your gear and head off to the lift!
So we have decided to start vagabonding up in the snowy French Alps. And be gainfully employed! Applications for chalet hosts are taken all year round and in preparation we booked on the Natives Chalet Cookery Course last night.

We are now £1000 lighter and will be taking a week out of work in July to spend the week at St Teresa's School in Dorking. The course is instructed by past Seasonnaires and if I know anything about seasonnaires its that the evenings will, undoubtedly, be ladled with mulled wine and Camel cigarettes.
Natives also offer a very good support system to help us gain the vital chalet host place we are looking for and will help with everything from CV structuring to introductions to recommended companies.
We've now got a mini Holiday booked which will hopefully be useful and fun as well as us gaining a new 'string to our bow' as such.
I haven't done a ski season but the video you created made me want to! Xxx